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- CERTAIN SOLUTIONS | nina-isabelle
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... CERTAIN SOLUTIONS FOR DISSOLVING PROBLEMS CZONG INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART GIMPO, KOREA / AUGUST , 2016 Certain Solutions For Dissolving Problems August 21, 2016 8:39 Certain Solutions For Dissolving Problems compiles digital imagery, audio, photography, and writing from The Superfund Re-Visioning Project into a video that addresses the failure of language and processes used to confront social and political issues such as environmental contamination. Using subtle neurolinguistic programming tactics combined with inaudible frequencies this video implants the idea of psychic reprogramming as a possible solution to artistic process displacement and underutilized artistic visions within the financial and political structures intended to remediate environmental contamination. In September 2016 Certain Solutions for Dissolving Problems was exhibited in an exhibition called Artist and Location at The Czong Institute For Contemporary Art in Gimpo, Korea.
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... TEN THOUSAND OBJECTIVES I was interested in trying to figure out how the body knows what it knows — specifically, the somatic experience of tangible material, the cognitive experience of intangible concepts, and the interplay between these four variables. I was also interested in how repetition seems to create the potential to sidestep consciousness, and I wanted to experiment with that notion to see if I could access different modes of perception or ways of knowing by engaging in a repetitive action for an extended length of time. In setting up the framework for this performance, I mapped out and identified all the parameters that I was able to. I decided on the timeframe and squared off the surface area of my work space. This gave me a way to control the tangible aspects of the performance. By laying out this semi-structured plan, I hoped to create a situation where intangibles and surprises could occur. Starting in the middle of an eighteen foot square of floor space, I set out to make one thousand pinch pots within a span of four hours. I imagined the pots would fill the entire work space and somehow be equally distributed. I counted the pots as I went along and kept track of them in ten groups of ten — something I realized was necessary as I went along and realized would be the only way for me to know when I was done. I was surprised to find that, at the end of the four hours, and down to within a few minutes, I had made the exact amount I set out to make. While I was working, the span of four hours seemed to shrink down to about the feeling of twenty minutes. These are the types of perceptive phenomena I’m interested in working with and demonstrating. How did these things happen so exactly with such little planning? How and why does time seem to stretch or contract depending on levels of engagement, intention, and focus? Things can be objects or subjects. While objects are tangible things abstracted from the particularness of subjects, subjects are the intangible concepts or notions we extract from objects. How do we process the intangible sense data we extract from encountering objects made of particles in the physical dimension and what do we call this process? What are the internal mechanisms we use to govern how we locate and position our physical selves in relation to objects in space? For this project, I constructed and deconstructed a batch of 10,000 intangible and tangible subjects and objects as a way to set both their physical and nonmaterial aspects free. Through forming a set of 1,000 physical objects made of clay with my hands, the conceptual intangibleness of their essence was simultaneously set free and bound as it transformed into material form. Conversely, intangible concepts were released from physicality through the gestural motions accompanied by the transmutation of 9,000 subjects into nonmaterial objects. Equinox: EMERGENCY OF JOY - 10,000 THINGS SET FREE Seventy one artists from around the world work together remotely and simultaneously over the spring Equinox. Organized by Chelsea Burton, Rae Diamond, Erik Ehn, Brenda Hutchinson, Suki O’Kane, “Ten thousand is rooted in the Buddhist concept of the ten thousand dharmas – an image for all observable reality." MARCH 19, 2020 11:49 PM EST - MARCH 20, 2020 1:49 AM EST (Equinox at 11:49 PM EST)
- MOCK THE CHASM | nina-isabelle
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... MOCK THE CHASM NOVEMBER 13, 2016 ART/LIFE INSTITUTE KINGSTON Mock The Chasm was performed at The Art/Life Institute Kingston during Alex Chêllet and Jaime Emerson’s November 2016 Artists In Residency Night of Performance exhibition. Inspired by the 2016 presidential election, the performance aims to inspect the spiritual illusion between God and America and how it is used to warp the space between morality and finance. Actions include worshipping a golden calf, wrestling and subduing a life-sized victim, and a self-crucifixion.
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... THE EUCHARIST MACHINE BANGKOK UNDERGROUND FILM FESTIVAL BANGKOK, THAILAND / MARCH , 2017 English with Thai subtitles Thai with English subtitles Inspired by Chris Lehmann’s book The Money Cult: Capitalism, Christianity, and the Unmaking of The American Dream, The Eucharist Machine addresses language, perception, and belief. In The Eucharist Machine, information is skewed by a presentation of jumbled non-linear facts and fiction, science, pseudoscience, and science fiction. Inaccurate grammar and linguistics push the concept even further by incorporating the cockamayme Thai / English subtitles and voice-overs produced by Google Translate and Apple’s Text To Speech system preference in a process that reverse-legitimizes the information. The Eucharist Machine is what happens when the under informed articulate with high-tech features. Information lost in translation becomes a sort of up-cycled spirituality; a futuristic projection of possible renewal of the crumbling dialogue between spirituality, commodity, and financial value. The Eucharist Machine takes a serious, culturally backwards, multigenerational look at what it means to be sanctified. เครื่องศีลมหาสนิทเป็นหนังสั้นที่เขียนกำกับและแก้ไขโดยศิลปินนานาชาติ Nina อิสซาเบล แรงบันดาลใจจากหนังสือของคริสมาห์ของเงินลัทธิ: ทุนนิยมคริสต์และ Unmaking ของความฝันอเมริกันภาษาอยู่เครื่องศีลมหาสนิทการรับรู้และความเชื่อ ในศีลมหาสนิทเครื่องข้อมูลจะถูกบิดเบือนโดยการนำเสนอข้อเท็จจริงที่คลั่งไคล้ที่ไม่ใช่เชิงเส้นและนิยายวิทยาศาสตร์ pseudoscience และนิยายวิทยาศาสตร์ ไวยากรณ์ไม่ถูกต้องและภาษาศาสตร์ผลักดันแนวคิดให้ดียิ่งขึ้นโดยผสมผสาน cockamayme คำบรรยายภาษาไทย / ภาษาอังกฤษและเสียงพากย์ผลิตโดย Google Translate และข้อความของ Apple เพื่อการตั้งค่าระบบเสียงพูดในกระบวนการที่ย้อนกลับ legitimizes ข้อมูล เครื่องศีลมหาสนิทเป็นสิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นเมื่ออยู่ภายใต้แจ้งปล้องที่มีคุณสมบัติที่มีเทคโนโลยีสูง ข้อมูล Lost in Translation กลายเป็นจัดเรียงของขึ้นกรณืจิตวิญญาณ; การฉายอนาคตของการต่ออายุเป็นไปได้ของการเจรจาบี้ระหว่างจิตวิญญาณสินค้าโภคภัณฑ์และความคุ้มค่าทางการเงิน ศีลมหาสนิทเครื่องยิงร้ายแรงวัฒนธรรมย้อนหลังดูหลายรุ่นว่ามันหมายถึงความบริสุทธิ์
- TIME TRAVEL RESEARCH / Panoply Performance Laboratory
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... TIME TRAVEL RESEARCH REPORT PANOPLY PERFORMANCE LABORATORY BROOKLYN, NY / FEBRUARY 4, 2017 This video documents time travel research conducted at The Panoply Laboratory in Brooklyn, NY on February 4, 2017 and is part of Panoply Laboratory's ongoing research practice initiated in 2014 titled Embarrassed of the Whole. By distorting temporal local perceptions the practice facilitates quantum nonlocality and manipulates the phenomenon of local realism in order to solve for one variable question: "Affectionately to what affect affectively?" Lab Technicians - Kaia Gilje, Nina A. Isabelle, Brian McCorkle, and Esther Neff Soundscape - Brian McCorkle Participant Subjects - Amelia Iaia, IV Castellanos, Jon Konkol, and Alice Teeple Photography - Amelia Iaia, Alice Teeple, and Nina A. Isabelle Video documentation and editing - Nina A. Isabelle Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Alice Teeple Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Alice Teeple Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Amelia Iaia Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Alice Teeple Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Amelia Iaia Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Amelia Iaia Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Amelia Iaia Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Amelia Iaia Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Amelia Iaia Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Amelia Iaia Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Amelia Iaia Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Amelia Iaia Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Amelia Iaia Time Machine Etow at PPL Embarrassed of the Whole Time Travel Research February 4, 2016 Panoply Performance Laboratory Photo: Amelia Iaia
- Nina A. Isabelle // Multidisciplinary Artist // Windmill Weapon
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... THE WINDMILL WEAPON MATRON MAY 2016 The Windmill Weapon Matron was built on May 12, 2016 and exhibited on June 3, 2016 as part of The New School's Social Justice exhibition with The Bushwick Collective. Materials include s awhorse, l umber, co nstruction m aterials, s pray p aint, h ouse p aint, a fghans, w eapons, b icycle p arts, y arn, p laster, t erra c otta, c hain. She is 90h x 53w x 45d. She is a dangerous female machine expressing an active stance and aggressive posture. She no longer identifies as passive and has most recently emerged as an international threat. Based on a jumbled compilation of afghans, defunct bicycle parts, weapons, lumber, and chain her biographical narrative has been holographically reconfigured into a destructive biological machine made of woman’s time. While The Windmill Weapon Matron acknowledges her destructive approach as a natural response to her capacity for childbirth, she hesitates to dichotomize the two simply saying “Come, let me destroy you.” Utilizing a process of defiance The Windmill Weapon Matron has successfully developed a system capable of transforming eye-rolling, financial aid application trauma, stuffed animal over population, and hair pulling as well as other sensory input bull shit into a clean, renewable, and sustainable energy source for mothers. Nobody will lend her a chainsaw It is safe to breed with her She makes a mockery of science Her system is nervous Her face is spinning When she was a virgin politicians killed and ate her She is secular Her system has calcified She loves The Antichrist She birthed a female bastard She wan’t trained up the way she should go The system tries to destroy her She has nothing to depart from Rabbits fear her She has been relieved of advantage Her system is unkillable
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... THE BODY DESCRIBES ITSELF An in-progress painting series started August 2020 by Nina Isabelle. My Grandmother designed leather gaskets used to strap prosthetic limbs onto amputees. Being an athlete and bodyworker, this series of paintings is an inquiry into what the body knows of its own shape and where might this knowledge come from. This is a study to learn how my own body might describe itself with line and paint. Oil on canvas sizes range from 36 - 60 inches Inquire here for details and prices
- HiLo Catskill / Nina A. Isabelle
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... Nina Isabelle Opening at HiLo CATSKILL, NY MAY 2017 Nina Isabelle, with her signature gusto, will be presenting an evening of intrigue, education, and hullabaloo. Arm wrestling, The Overconfident Autodidact (performed by Erik Hokanson,) a tea party performance by Valerie Sharp, a public interview with the questioner another performance artist (Matthew Gioia,) and two documentary screenings- The Eucharist Machine and Time Travel Research Documentary.. Nina Isabelle's installation will be at HiLo from now until June 5. It can be viewed M-F 7am-2pm and Sat & Sun 9am - 4pm until May 3rd after which time the hours will be M-Tu 7-2, W-Th 7 -4, Fri 7am-12am, Sat 7-12am, Sun 9am - 10pm
- Nina A. Isabelle // Abstract Painting // 2016
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... PAINTINGS 2016 20-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 19-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 18-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 17-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 16-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 15-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 14-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 13-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 12-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 11-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 10-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 9-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 8-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 7-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 6-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 5-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 4-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 3-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 2-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 1-2016 22x30, oil paint on paper 1/1
- FEEDING THE ENTITY | nina-isabelle
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... FEEDING THE ENTITY MARCH 2015 Clara Diamond & Nina Isabelle Feeding The Entity explores the development and agenda of interwoven notions of communal beliefs, material dynamics, possibilities of non-linear physical travel implied through numbers expressing location using longitude and latitude, the metaphor of breath in relation to inspiration and language styles expressing give-and-take or push/pull communication patterns, the articulation of verbal concepts in relation to the movement between ball-and-socket joints such as the hips and shoulders during the birthing-process, as well as the documentation of scientifically unsubstantiated effects of focused intention and ritual action in non-physical reality such as memory, deja-vu, and other phenomena of psychic imprint.
- HYMN WARP TRANSDUCER | nina-isabelle
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... THE HYMN WARP TRANSDUCER The Hymn Warp Transducer was performed as part of Paul McMahon's Woodstock Invitational for The Bedstock / 👁❤️🦄 Exhibition. 9 Herkimer Place in Brooklyn, NY APRIL 15, 2018 Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / Documentation: Amelia Iaia. Using mouths, machines and tools to convert internal physical sound qualities into noisy output and a visual heap, Appalachian Abacus Haste melds converted hymns with Ever Peacock’s spooky loop-slide guitar sounds and Simon Ampel's rhythms while Nina Isabelle frames the operation in a warped slipshod suffocation structure. Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer, Nina Isabelle Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer, Nina Isabelle Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Hymn Warp Transducer, Nina Isabelle Concept & Performance: Nina Isabelle / Slide Guitar: Ever Peacock / Vocals: Abacus Haste / Rhythm: Simon Ample / 2D Art: Paul McMahon / Documentation: Amelia Iaia Show More
- VMS USER ARCHIVE | nina-isabelle
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... THE VIDEO MANIFESTATION SYSTEM USER ARCHIVE Download Video Manifestation System from HUMAN TRASH DUMP here: https://archive.org/details/htdc005 ALICE TEEPLE December 9, 2019 Manifesting Ethical And Sustainable Paths Best Suited To Artists' True Calling ALICE TEEPLE December 8, 2019 Video Manifestation System to Manifest A Balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine ALICE TEEPLE January 4, 2018 Video Manifestation System to Manifest Excellent Career Opportunities NINA ISABELLE November 18, 2017 Video Manifestation System Video to Manifest a Video Manifestation System
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... IMAGINED PERFORMANCE STORYTIME WITH IV CASTELLANOS Imagined Performance written by Nina Isabelle and read live on Instagram by IV Castellanos @iv_castellanos Para\\el Performance Space February 12, 2021 READ BY IV CASTELLANOS: You will be guided through a sequence of events that have been systematically untethered from any and all singular, multiple, or quantifiable physical locations. Any and all astral, psychic, temporal, and somatic pins have been removed from the fabric of time. All known and unknown extradimensions will be accessible to you. Some of the events may feel familiar to you. You might recognize the radiator in this space. You might be familiar with the sound of my voice or the way this space expands and contracts at will. Sometimes this space is as large as a destroyed production room of an old abandoned textile factory with remains of broken equipment The person sat down. The seated person had an idea and hoped to untangle it by sitting down. They started to speak out loud- "I have an idea and I want to sit down." They didn't say the next part out loud but only thought it to themself inside their own quiet mind - "I'm not sure where to start." The next part involves the person discussing with themselves what they believe they know about three things; beginnings, middles, and ends. A lot of time goes by. The person sits and thinks. Hello. Welcome to Imagined Performance. My name is IV Castellanos and today I will be reading a performance imagined by Nina Isabelle. This performance starts right now: at 8:17 pm on February 12, 2021 and will end precisely at 8:32 pm. All participants are asked to please defocus their perception using whatever breathing or other techniques they find useful. Be with your laptops but not of them. Hold your phones loosely or not at all. Connect through disconnecting. Believe that you know what this means. I will continue speaking during your process. Please know that it is not necessary for you to understand what I am saying. I am moving my mouth. I am vibrating my vocal cords in a certain way that I have found useful. There are many sounds happening where I am. I can hear traffic. A radiator is hissing. Sometimes people's boots are stomping up and down staircases. The walls here are thin. The sound of passersby breathing and conversing and slogging through cold, ice, and snow. While I continue to speak, please list the sounds you notice in your environment. Speak these sounds out loud to yourself where you are now. In this way, we can be together through our differences. You may whisper, yell, or use any variety of tone or volume you choose. As a disclaimer, please know that I will be recording you through an invisible and unreal mechanism. In order to indicate that you agree, please either respond or remain unresponsive. Please continue to focus on the sounds of your environment and continue to speak them out loud. I will now begin to describe the performance I am sitting here at Parallel Performance Space in Brooklyn, NY. I am speaking into the camera on my computer. Here in the space with me, are sixteen audience members. They are each wearing a new mask prototype made of woven atmospheric particles interlaced through a selective ionic process that traps virus particles using infra-aural radio webs emitted by the human ear. This new technology makes it possible for us to once again be together in small spaces, to hug one another, and sit next to each other with our knees and elbows periodically touching by accident as we move. Everyone here is silently focused on the performance, blinking and slowly shifting their posture. They are listening to the space and my voice. Their phones have all been silenced. Now they are watching me light a candle. Some of them are nervous because the flame of the candle is reaching all the way up to the ceiling. There is a thin ribbon of fire with a black smoke tip that is drawing something out on the ceiling with a line of soot. Some of the audience members are acting as if they are not surprised or nervous. They're keeping their faces very still and devoid of expression. Some of them are trying to photograph the tall ribbon of flame with their phones. One person makes a short video for their Instagram story. Some others are looking back and forth at one another, wondering what will happen and waiting. The symbol drawn on the ceiling by flame is so far unrecognizable. It might be a slanted reflected cursive letter Q, an off kilter house, or the runic shape of Perthro reversed. No one can tell. For a while, people watch and wonder. Time passes. A thick hemp rope unfurls down from the ceiling and drops down to the floor with a heavy thud. At this point, a person comes into the space from the street through the front door, a latecomer. They're trying to be small, silent and unnoticed out of politeness for the performance. Right now, as I'm speaking, this person is sitting down in the corner trying to appear quickly as if they are being observant and contemplative and they're pretending not to notice this reference to them. They want to appear as if they know what is happening. They are also wearing the new mask prototype. I want them to feel comfortable. Now I will play back for you the sounds I have been recording of you speaking at home. Please listen closely: SPEAKING SOUNDS Nina Isabelle 00:00 / 04:52 While this loud sound is playing, I place a large transparent vat of diesel fuel in the center of the space. It is a beautiful transparent pink fluid. People are stunned at its beauty. How can such a toxic substance be so beautiful? Everyone wonders. The ribbon of flame is still tickling the ceiling. I use my hand to bend it down toward the vat of diesel. The black tip of smoke connects with the surface of the fluid. Some people seem nervous because diesel fuel is flammable, however not combustible. Many people are not aware of this distinction. The ribbon of flame slowly dips into the vat and begins to grow in size. People are squeezing their faces in fear and inhaling through their clenched teeth. Some are starting to shield their faces and ears with their hands. No one heads for the door. The intensity of the fire ribbon grows and grows until finally a figure emerges from the pink flaming liquid. It's a full size human wearing a green robe. The robed diesel person floats toward the radiator and, crouching down, they begin to turn the knob, opening the radiator further and further and further. A glowing purple ring of light grows with each turn. Once the purple ring of light reaches six feet in diameter, I blow out the candle. I walk into the purple ring of light, stand dramatically frozen for a moment, turn, and reach for the person closest to me to join me and they do. The person is wearing a thick wool plaid skits and has a large pile of blond curls stacked up on top of their head. They have a felt cloak with a large golden leaf broach pinned to their lapel. Underneath this, they're wearing a neoprene shirt - a rash guard like surfer's wear with a giant plastic zipper. Together we enter the portal and vanish. The green robed figure takes out a bucket of grey paint and a paint brush and, crouching down slowly, they begin to paint the plywood floor. They are groaning and wailing and complaining loudly about the floor, about how many times they have had to do this in the past and how each time, it never seems to matter. Someone always spills taffy or blood or resin and it always needs to be scraped up or sanded or covered over. They continue to paint the floor and cry. This lasts for over twenty minutes. Their tears sizzle as they drip and mix with the grey paint. Tiny smolders of atomized paint-tears begin to float throughout the room with a small being encapsulated in each floating speck. They all cry out and their own tiny tears begin to rain down on the performance attendees. The diesel fumes mix with the tear droplets and the people begin to feel light headed and nauseous. Some people try to escape but the door is jammed shut. Everyone wants to go home, but they can't. They're stuck. Please, now, if you will, shift your awareness from the sounds in your atmosphere to the physical objects in your environment. Please speak the names of the objects you see around you. Say these things out loud. Say the colors of the objects. Be as descriptive as possible. Say the size of the objects. Describe their textures and whatever other particulars you notice or feel. For example, you might say: Beige Chenille sofa. Small cigarette stains. 5 x 8 deep red wool handmade Turkish Bokhara rug. Regular sized half eaten bowl of cereal. Crystal chandelier missing three light bulbs. Green plastic 2.5 gallon bucket with mop water. four square inches of peeling orange paint. Tiny chocolate fingerprints on thick mauve polyester drapes. Again- you are being recorded and you agree to this. I will now play the real-time recording of your collective voices. SPEAKING OBJECTS Nina Isabelle 00:00 / 02:24 While you continue speaking and listening to yourselves speaking together, please simultaneously turn one-third of your awareness back to the performance at hand. We are here at Parallel Performance Space. The performance attendees are uncomfortable and scared. A glowing spot begins to reveal itself on the ceiling between the cryptic soot symbol and the hemp rope. Several non-human entities start to slip through the glowing spot and descend into the space by sliding down the hemp rope. The beings are translucent, faceless, and silent. They emit an overwhelming feeling of love, safety, hope, transformation, and understanding. The odors of diesel fumes, soot, mop water and paint fumes dissolve and are replaced by the smells of lilac, hyacinth, roses, warm potato leek soup with chives, and chamomile tea. Warm local raw organic creamed honey bubbles up from the floor and everyone covers themselves in it. It's amazing. The performance attendees are now bursting into tears of joy and relief. They now know in their bones that everything is perfect everywhere in the world and for the first time in a long while, they feel hopeful. The glowing beings begin to hand out the most amazing cupcakes. Everyone is happy and hugging and eating cake together. Here is what it the space sounds like now: IMAGINED PERFORMANCE FINALE Nina Isabelle 00:00 / 03:24 In the mean time, The radiator begins to hum and the sound begins to grow into the harmonic sound of a thousand electronic angels breathing in unison and every pipe organ on earth begins to sing together. Bells are ringing in the clouds and the purple portal returns with a beautiful hum. I step out of it along with the performance attendee who joined me, and the floating green robed figure. We hold each other's hands and take a big dramatic bow. This is the end of the performance. People clap and clap and whoop, hollar, and whistle. Everyone is so happy. No one wants to leave. People want to debrief. What just happened? How can we explain this? One person says they saw their ancestors. Another person miraculously figured out why their car wouldn't start. One person's psoriasis vanished completely. Another realized how much their mother loved them. Yet another discovered the whereabouts of their lost passport. A few realized it was time for a career change. Now, people are outside smoking and mingling on the sidewalk. All the lights are extra sparkly, everything looks clear and bright. The air is crisp and clean like it hasn't been in years. Some people are starting to head home. People are walking arm in arm and gazing in each other's eyes. We start to clean up the space and get ready for bed. It was a good night. A performance like no other.
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: DIAGRAMS & DIRECTIVES FEMINIST ART GROUP (IV Castellanos, Amanda Hunt, Nina Isabelle & Thea Little) ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space 292 E. 3rd St. NYC May 6, 2018 Organized by Esther Neff & Steven Englander Feminist Art Group Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group / Thea Little Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group / Thea Little Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group / Nina Isabelle Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group / Amanda Hunt Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group / IV Castellanos Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff Feminist Art Group Citizen Participation : Diagrams & Directives / ABC No Rio in Exile at Bullet Space / photos by Esther Neff
- Nina A. Isabelle // Multidisciplinary Artist // Kingston, NY
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... UMEWE HAPPY SPOT 2016 NAI_1988 http://www.intoyellow.com/ P&T Surplus Timothy J. Smythe at P&T Surplus in Kingston, NY. http://www.intoyellow.com/ Alexus, April, Qunisha Block Park in Kingston, NY http://www.intoyellow.com/ Ines & Domingo Santos Just For You Oaxacan Restaurant in Kingston, NY http://www.intoyellow.com/ Kuda & Quan First Capital Barber in Kingston, NY http://www.intoyellow.com/ Ever & Aaron At Rezny Photography Studio in Kingston, NY http://www.intoyellow.com/ Brian Buboltz American Legion Post 150 in Kingston, NY http://www.intoyellow.com/ Rosa The Happy Apple Thrift Shop in Kingston, NY http://www.intoyellow.com/ INT-O Yellow was developed as a collaboration between conceptual artist Riley Johndonnell, Pantone and UMEWE Inc.- an art and design collaborative founded by Whitny Sobala and Riley Johndonnell which supports, promotes and disseminates Optimistic 'tools' and works of public art. www.intoyellow.com As a way to articulate with INT-O Yellow I photographed one of the INT-O Yellow Happy Spots around Mid Town Kingston. Happy Spot visited some classic Kingston locations, integrating the familiar with new faces and places.
- Nina A. Isabelle // Multidisciplinary Artist // Kingston, NY
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... MISC. VIDEO e845 / November 7, 2016 Candle Sounds / July 16, 2016 Domestic Loops / November 1, 2016 The Hollow Stump / November 7, 2016 At The Ashokan Reservoir / March 2016 Double Slit July 16, 2016 1:01 Referencing the magical incantation “As above, so below” from Hermetic Alchemy and Thomas Young’s original Double-Slit Experiment from 1801, Double Slit asks- does science suggest that man’s actions on earth might parallel actions within infinite multiple invisible lateral physical dimensions? The Long Sounds That Pull December 5, 2016 7:00 This is modified sensory input that has been stretched between several physical and psychic locations referencing a double decade point three cassette recorded postal anniversary edition. The original human mouth sound recording was placed in a landfill located at latitude 38.643708 / longitude -107.006703 The Story Of Terror / The Ax In The Stump March 16, 2016 3:16 The Ax in The Stump tells the story of Terror- as both a fabled horse from a North Indian Fairy Tale and the torture that can ride through family histories for generations.
- CYBORGS & GENDER | nina-isabelle
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... CYBORGS & GENDER August 25, 2017 A male and female robot bicker about a human woman who is climbing dangerously high up into a tree in the dark while her daughter waits below in a wolf costume. What might happen when human actions align with AI intention? The soundtrack was produced using Apple's text-to-speech system. Photo by Ming Liu
- SILENT MASS GENERATOR | nina-isabelle
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... THE SILENT MASS GENERATOR WORKSHOP GES #411 ARCHIVE SPACE NOVEMBER 6, 2015 The Silent Mass Generator Workshop incorporated the public to assemble, build and incorporate physical mass within an experimental simulated mindfulness environment. The duration of the workshop spanned 5 hours and 44 minutes inside of The Grace Exhibition Space Shirt Factory Studio #411. There was no speaking, eating, or drinking. Participation was not required, participants were free to come and go, or stay for a portion of the workshop. The workshop was designed to distract the subconscious mind by the tedium of cutting, ripping, and tying material to form long strands in order to facilitate the entry into a mindful, meditative, psychic space. The project explored the development and agenda of interwoven notions of communal beliefs, material dynamics, possibilities of non-linear physical travel implied through numbers expressing location using longitude and latitude, the metaphor of breath in relation to inspiration and language styles expressing give-and-take or push/pull communication patterns, the articulation of verbal concepts in relation to the movement between ball-and-socket joints such as the hips and shoulders during the birthing-process, as well as the documentation of scientifically unsubstantiated effects of focused intention and ritual action in non-physical reality such as memory, deja-vu, and other phenomena of psychic imprint. An experimental soundscape designed with Christina Amelia Diamond acted as an electronic gong wash intended to initiate 23 cycles of ordered energetic body activation using specific Hz. Other auditory Information within the noise composition was generated by The Entity. Speaking was disallowed at The Silent Mass Generator Workshop. The Entity thanks Jeanie Antonelle, Undine Brod, Leonard Fujiyama, Hillary Harvey, Mor Pipman, and Christina Varga for their contribution of materials. CALL FOR MATERIAL DONATIONS SEPTEMBER 25, 2015 The Entity seeks donations of scrap, waste, or unsellable materials such as fabric cut-offs, twine, rolled or spooled material, rope, ribbon, thread, or anything that is in long strands or could be cut and tied to form long strands. The nature of the project has lead to the present development of an official CALL FOR DONATED MATERIALS. The Entity also seeks donations of traditional artist’s materials as well as non-toxic industrial materials which might be repurposed. The upcoming phase of the project includes an opportunity for community participation with an interactive component in the form of a silent workshop intended to build physical mass through the hands-on manipulation of donated material. The workshop will be free and open to the public. FEEDING THE ENTITY MARCH 2015 Feeding The Entity explores the development and agenda of interwoven notions of communal beliefs, material dynamics, possibilities of non-linear physical travel implied through numbers expressing location using longitude and latitude, the metaphor of breath in relation to inspiration and language styles expressing give-and-take or push/pull communication patterns, the articulation of verbal concepts in relation to the movement between ball-and-socket joints such as the hips and shoulders during the birthing-process, as well as the documentation of scientifically unsubstantiated effects of focused intention and ritual action in non-physical reality such as memory, deja-vu, and other phenomena of psychic imprint.
- WHISTLE PORTRAITS | nina-isabelle
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... WHISTLE PORTRAITS By Linda Mary Montano HiLo Catskill June 10, 2018 During these dangerous / confusing / armageddonned times we are all looking for connection, understanding, and warmth. The three of us are committed to providing public art medicine. ART=LIFE=ART. For WHISTLE PORTRAITS at HiLo, we invite audience member-collaborators to sit with us and receive a public art healing. ART HEALS!!! - Linda Mary Montano photo by Adolfo Ibanez Ayerve
- Nina A. Isabelle // Multidisciplinary Artist // Kingston, NY
- JUST SITUATIONS | nina-isabelle
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... FEMINIST ART GROUP (F.A.G.) doing JUST SITUATIONS June 23, 2017 Grace Exhibition Space Brooklyn, NY "Just Situations is a hybrid conference, festival, and “political science fair,” hosting artists and active citizens who are working in performative ways, moving beyond the trending commercialization of art “about” politics, into non-representational and non-reproductive modes of performance which directly construct, speculate, design. position, and posit “just” forms of political, social, and personal human being and becoming." "States of unknowing, collectivity transcending and social becoming are workshopped and parsed, particulated and presented." JUST SITUATIONS is a project of the Brooklyn International Performance Art Foundation (BIPAF). BIPAF is an ongoing (since 2013), communal, and demi-anonymous/open-source platform for performance of socially-constructive institutional critique. https://justsituations.wordpress.com/ IMG_E6818 Thea Little, IV Castellanos Elizabeth Lamb Quinn Dukes Elizabeth Lamb Elizabeth Lamb Elizabeth Lamb Elizabeth Lamb Elizabeth Lamb, IV Castellanos 1/1
- CAVE GIRL (FAKE) by Nina A. Isabelle
HOME ABOUT PROJECTS THREE PHASE CONTACT SEARCH More... CAVE GIRL FAKE PHOTO DOCUMENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL NON-PERFORMANCE BASED PERFORMANCE All information including location, artist, photographer, subject, process, object, intention, dimensions, medium, duration, software, hardware, is unimportant and disallowed. JULY 9, 2017 Documentation #1 Location, artist, photographer, title subject, and intention are undisclosed and unimportant. Documentation #2 Location, artist, photographer, title subject, and intention are undisclosed and unimportant. Documentation #3 Location, artist, photographer, title subject, and intention are undisclosed and unimportant. Documentation #4 Location, artist, photographer, title subject, and intention are undisclosed and unimportant. Documentation #5 Location, artist, photographer, title subject, and intention are undisclosed and unimportant. Documentation #6 Location, artist, photographer, title subject, and intention are undisclosed and unimportant. Documentation #7 Location, artist, photographer, title subject, and intention are undisclosed and unimportant. Documentation #8 Location, artist, photographer, title subject, and intention are undisclosed and unimportant. Documentation #9 Location, artist, photographer, title subject, and intention are undisclosed and unimportant.
- CONTACT | nina-isabelle